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  • Leon Simpson

Kitchen cabinet refinishing vs replacement. Why Spraying Your Kitchen Cabinets may be better than Replacing The


Renovating a kitchen is an exciting endeavor, and one of the most significant decisions you'll face is whether to replace your kitchen cabinets or give them a fresh new look with a coat of paint. While cabinet replacement might seem like the obvious choice, there are several compelling reasons why spraying your kitchen cabinets can be a better and more cost-effective option. In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of kitchen cabinet refinishing vs replacing and why it is often a superior alternative.

solid oak kitchen

1. Cost-Effectiveness:

The most apparent advantage of cabinet spraying over replacement is the significant cost difference. Cabinet replacement can be an expensive project, involving not just the cost of the new cabinets but also plumbing, electrical, and installation costs. On the other hand, spraying your existing cabinets is a more budget-friendly option. By re-purposing your current cabinets, you can allocate your resources to other essential aspects of your kitchen renovation. #costeffective

2. Eco-Friendly Approach:

Cabinet replacement contributes to environmental waste, as the old cabinets end up in landfills. Choosing to spray your kitchen cabinets reduces your carbon footprint by promoting the reuse of existing materials. Additionally, the spraying process typically requires fewer resources and produces less waste compared to manufacturing and transporting new cabinets. #ecofriendly

Kitchen spraying involves applying a fine, even specialized coating to the cabinet surfaces, creating a smooth and flawless finish. This process not only saves time but also reduces the amount of waste generated.
solid oak kitchen spray finished

3. Time Efficiency:

Replacing kitchen cabinets is a time-consuming process that involves measuring, ordering, waiting for delivery, and installation. This can lead to significant disruptions in your daily life, especially as your kitchen is the heart of your home. On the other hand, spraying your cabinets can be completed in a relatively short period, minimizing the disruption, and allowing you to get back to your routine sooner. #time

4. Customization Options:

When you replace your cabinets, you are limited to the customization options offered by the manufacturer or supplier. However, by choosing us to spray your cabinets, your open to a world of possibilities. You can select from any Farrow & Ball, Little Greene, Dulux, or Ral colour and a vast array of paint finishes, allowing you to customize your kitchen to your unique taste and style. If you currently have flat-paneled doors we can also router a design into the doors essentially giving you brand new doors. This level of personalization is often not possible with pre-made cabinets. #customisation

5. Preservation of Quality Cabinetry:

If your existing cabinets are of good quality and structurally sound, there's no need to discard them. Replacing cabinets with cheaper alternatives might result in a downgrade in terms of material and craftsmanship. By choosing to spray your cabinets, you preserve the high-quality cabinetry you already have, ensuring its durability and longevity. #Quality


While replacing kitchen cabinets may seem like the most obvious solution for a kitchen upgrade, spraying your cabinets offers numerous benefits that make it a better choice for many homeowners. From cost savings and environmental responsibility to customization options and preservation of quality cabinetry, spraying provides a cost-effective, efficient, and eco-friendly alternative. So, before you commit to the costly and time-consuming process of cabinet replacement, consider the advantages of cabinet spraying to transform your kitchen into the space you've always envisioned.

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